SeqAn3  3.1.0-rc.1
The Modern C++ library for sequence analysis.
template_inspection.hpp File Reference

Provides type traits for working with templates. More...

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struct  seqan3::detail::is_type_specialisation_of< source_t, target_template >
 Determines whether a source_type is a specialisation of another template. More...
struct  seqan3::detail::is_type_specialisation_of< source_t, target_template >
 This is an overloaded member function, provided for convenience. It differs from the above function only in what argument(s) it accepts. More...
struct  seqan3::detail::is_value_specialisation_of< source_t, target_template >
 Determines whether a source_type is a specialisation of another template. More...
struct  seqan3::detail::transfer_template_args_onto< source_template< source_arg_types... >, target_template >
 Extracts a type template's type arguments and specialises another template with them. More...
struct  seqan3::detail::transfer_template_vargs_onto< source_template< source_varg_types... >, target_template >
 Extracts a type template's non-type arguments and specialises another template with them. More...
struct  seqan3::detail::valid_template_spec_or< fallback_t, templ_t, spec_t >
 Exposes templ_t<spec_t...> if that is valid, otherwise fallback_t. More...
struct  seqan3::detail::valid_template_spec_or< fallback_t, templ_t, spec_t... >
 This is an overloaded member function, provided for convenience. It differs from the above function only in what argument(s) it accepts. More...


 The main SeqAn3 namespace.
 The internal SeqAn3 namespace.


template<typename t >
using seqan3::detail::strip_type_identity_t = std::conditional_t< is_type_specialisation_of_v< t, std::type_identity >, transformation_trait_or_t< t, void >, t >
 A transformation trait shortcut that returns the type inside a std::type_identity or the type itself. More...
template<typename source_type , template< typename ... > typename target_template>
using seqan3::detail::transfer_template_args_onto_t = typename transfer_template_args_onto< source_type, target_template >::type
 Shortcut for seqan3::detail::transfer_template_args_onto (transformation_trait shortcut). More...
template<typename source_type , template< auto ... > typename target_template>
using seqan3::detail::transfer_template_vargs_onto_t = typename transfer_template_vargs_onto< source_type, target_template >::type
 Shortcut for seqan3::detail::transfer_template_vargs_onto (transformation_trait shortcut). More...
template<typename fallback_t , template< typename ... > typename templ_t, typename ... spec_t>
using seqan3::detail::valid_template_spec_or_t = typename valid_template_spec_or< fallback_t, templ_t, spec_t... >::type
 Helper for seqan3::detail::valid_template_spec_or (transformation_trait shortcut). More...


template<typename source_t , template< auto ... > typename target_template>
constexpr bool is_value_specialisation_of_v = is_value_specialisation_of<source_t, target_template>::value
 Helper variable template for seqan3::detail::is_value_specialisation_of (unary_type_trait shortcut). More...

Detailed Description

Provides type traits for working with templates.

Hannes Hauswedell <hannes.hauswedell AT>
Lydia Buntrock <lydia.buntrock AT>

Variable Documentation

◆ is_value_specialisation_of_v

template<typename source_t , template< auto ... > typename target_template>
constexpr bool is_value_specialisation_of_v = is_value_specialisation_of<source_t, target_template>::value

Helper variable template for seqan3::detail::is_value_specialisation_of (unary_type_trait shortcut).

Template Parameters
source_typeThe source type.
target_templateThe type template you wish to compare against (must take only types as template arguments).